Loving-Kindness art promoting pro-social feelings


It is great to encounter Fun Monday Challenge #35 – Loving Kindness in Art even with a lil delay 🙂

Lani points to some very interesting research on the positive effects of pro-social behavior and relation to others! Lani had a fab idea for this week Challenge to create our own Loving-Kindness art to promote pro-social feelings….

AWESOME…a practice to keep doing every single day throughout any activities…

Loving-Kindness definitely raise vibrations and make positive shifts in energy and environments.


The force of Loving-kindness :

May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously….. 

Wish you luck in the Year of the Horse 马年大吉 Mǎnián dàjí

Wow new Lunar New Year…:)

Eastern traditions mark the beginning of 2014 as the year of the Wood Horse…

So wish you luck in the Year of the Horse  马年大吉 Mǎnián dàjí 🙂


Rune Kondo artwork about the year of the horse remains one of may favorites:)


It’s fascinating the connection we have with the earth and moon cycles….

Tibetan Buddhists observe the festival of Losar ལོ་གསར  (‘lo’ = ‘year’ and ‘sar’=‘new’). During this special time evil spirits are turned away and Losar is cherished with happiness and prosperity. ..



Have a great weekend enjoying colorful celebrations 🙂

mid-week pondering

What are you Happy about? Let’s Create some Serotonin!


I love Lani’s Fun Monday Challenge #32 – Create some Serotonin.

Boosting the level of serotonin seems to have  a positive impact on our mood, promoting good feelings and emotions…I like how brain chemistry describes our energy pathways …. As Lani explains when serotonin is balanced we experience life from a happy and healthy perspective. The positive vibes are contagious as when we share and receive appreciation, kindness and compassion there is a happy environment. Lani makes the awesome suggestion to go back to art journaling and congratulate ourselves 🙂 🙂 🙂

So let’s go ahead and review some of our life’s repertoire and enjoy the compliments….Let’s create some serotonin, enjoy the happy vibes and keep creating with anything that happen in life:)


As usual feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our  Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

Special Drops

This week mid-pondering wisdom and inspiration comes from the beautiful prompt over at Circle of Art….

I love to think that we are all special drops contributing to the whole ocean reflecting our uniqueness in it…


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

Enjoy the winter solstice :)
mid-week pondering

ATC reminder: Breathe Laugh Enjoy


Some times juggling elements of life can be quite hectic… Then when taking a mindful moment it all seem so quiet and still…The world around us changes constantly and we do as well in some way as part of a process…While I was pondering on that I came across Lani’s Fun Monday Challenge #28 – Surprise others with humor and goodwill  

Check out Lani’s post and fab artwork blooming from seeds of the deck of inspiration cards Plant Seeds and Pick the Blooms by Lynne Franks … Super inspiring sources shared by Lani….

So following Lani’s awesome art directive of creating a piece of art to surprise oneself and others with humor and goodwill I got to play and create this ATC… a reminder of some basic survival tools to brighten up and can change moments 🙂


Please feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

Drawing and playing from within

Inspired by the Circle of Art  I have been pondering and playing with drawing from within guided by imagination with any sorts of media:)


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

Have a great weekend!

mid-week pondering

The power of a gentle shake

This week’s art prompt over at the Circle of Art remind us about the power of a gentle shake:)

Here is my response…


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

mid-week pondering

Ode to Simplicity

This week prompt over at the Circle of Art  is a great reminder of our human tendency to complicate things:)

Here is my response..


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

Have a great weekend :)

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

mid-week pondering

Friday reflection inspired by the Circle of Art

Inspired by the Circle of Art prompt….

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”   Lao Tzu


If you want to join the Virtual Art Circle ask  Petrea Hansen Adamidis  to join:)

mid-week pondering

Mid-week pondering: Life Energy

I have been pondering on this beautiful quote by  Hellen Keller, the weekly prompt ove at the Circle of Art….

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart.”
Hellen Keller

I think it deeply resonates with our essence of being….

The world as we know it, is perceived with the energy of our heart…

I started to work on this piece combining different media from textiles, stitching parts, paint and installation lights…

A further influence that promoted the flow of creating was a Qi Gong meditation and great talk by Lee Holden over at the Project Heal Yourself organised by Mindvalley

Indeed the energy of our heart is the life force source of life radiating throughout and connecting people….

Life force

Feel free to join and share you creations, comments and ideas!

mid-week pondering

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