Loving-Kindness art promoting pro-social feelings


It is great to encounter Fun Monday Challenge #35 – Loving Kindness in Art even with a lil delay 🙂

Lani points to some very interesting research on the positive effects of pro-social behavior and relation to others! Lani had a fab idea for this week Challenge to create our own Loving-Kindness art to promote pro-social feelings….

AWESOME…a practice to keep doing every single day throughout any activities…

Loving-Kindness definitely raise vibrations and make positive shifts in energy and environments.


The force of Loving-kindness :

May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously….. 

Wish you luck in the Year of the Horse 马年大吉 Mǎnián dàjí

Wow new Lunar New Year…:)

Eastern traditions mark the beginning of 2014 as the year of the Wood Horse…

So wish you luck in the Year of the Horse  马年大吉 Mǎnián dàjí 🙂


Rune Kondo artwork about the year of the horse remains one of may favorites:)


It’s fascinating the connection we have with the earth and moon cycles….

Tibetan Buddhists observe the festival of Losar ལོ་གསར  (‘lo’ = ‘year’ and ‘sar’=‘new’). During this special time evil spirits are turned away and Losar is cherished with happiness and prosperity. ..



Have a great weekend enjoying colorful celebrations 🙂

mid-week pondering

A creative manifesto & sharing good vibes to create more happiness!


Oh yes tackling the Fun Monday Challenge #34 – What is your creative manifesto  in the middle of the week..Awesome 🙂

Lani’s great idea to pass on is to create a manifesto and share it with the world…

My manifesto is a little scroll carrying the nice whispers of the magic story “Le Petit Prince” by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry … We are reminded that our heart can see through the invisible and it can take us where our eyes can’t:)

“On ne voit qu’avec le coeur l’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux” 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


And today Lani shares another super inspiring post inviting us to spread secretly positive vibes: ” Secretly find two people (could be strangers) to wish well, to hope their suffering be lessened, or that they be happy.”

Top secret way to have a happy life (#30 out of a thousand)

Beyond amazing….It is so beautiful how positive energy changes physical reality!!!! So please get going and share some goodness 🙂

As usual feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our  Flickr pool


mid-week pondering

Special Drops

This week mid-pondering wisdom and inspiration comes from the beautiful prompt over at Circle of Art….

I love to think that we are all special drops contributing to the whole ocean reflecting our uniqueness in it…


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

Enjoy the winter solstice :)
mid-week pondering

Love note for the unconscious mind


I have pondered on Lani’s Fun Monday Challenge #30 – We Are Loved….

Focusing on the power of our unconscious mind and the beautiful prompt on our ability to love suggested by Lani….I made this special note for the unconscious mind…


What a wicked challenge, thank you Lani!!!

Here is Lani’s prompt :

” Create a love note / art piece for your unconscious. Use this statement if you like or some other statement that will make it feel jolly. If the unconscious is too abstract of an idea, then try creating your piece for a child, perhaps even the child you once were. Take note of inner responses to this activity. “

Please feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

ATC reminder: Breathe Laugh Enjoy


Some times juggling elements of life can be quite hectic… Then when taking a mindful moment it all seem so quiet and still…The world around us changes constantly and we do as well in some way as part of a process…While I was pondering on that I came across Lani’s Fun Monday Challenge #28 – Surprise others with humor and goodwill  

Check out Lani’s post and fab artwork blooming from seeds of the deck of inspiration cards Plant Seeds and Pick the Blooms by Lynne Franks … Super inspiring sources shared by Lani….

So following Lani’s awesome art directive of creating a piece of art to surprise oneself and others with humor and goodwill I got to play and create this ATC… a reminder of some basic survival tools to brighten up and can change moments 🙂


Please feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

The power of a gentle shake

This week’s art prompt over at the Circle of Art remind us about the power of a gentle shake:)

Here is my response…


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

mid-week pondering

Practicing self-compassion through creative expression


In this mid-week pondering I have focused on self-compassion research… I got very inspired by Lani’s  Fun Monday Challenge #23 – Self-Compassion Art ( as usual I kind of reinvent the days of the week lol 🙂

Lani shares some fab links and thoughts on self-compassion and how practicing self-compassion results in an enhanced quality of life reducing stress and feelings of inadequacy that often reflects in what we don’t like about ourselves… So Lani’s great idea is that based on the evidence that exercising self-compassion improves our life then let’s make self-compassion art!!! She suggests to create an art piece with compassion by using a younger version of ourselves….

I think it’s great to explore the different ways in which we can practice self-compassion and that has a positive impact on ourselves… So I decided to incorporate this self-compassion approach in my creative practice and somehow connect my intuition with self-compassion, then take a little time to appreciate and be mindful  brainstorm about ideas to use throughout the day to practice compassion towards others….

So here is an extract of this adventure practicing creative self-compassion and see what happens:)

After this little piece in my journal I created some creative positive notes to distribute randomly promoting self-compassion…


So what is the best way to practice self-compassion for you?

Please feel free to share your thoughts, idea and ways in which you think this challenge can expand!!!! Feel free to share your work or play on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

Ode to Simplicity

This week prompt over at the Circle of Art  is a great reminder of our human tendency to complicate things:)

Here is my response..


As always feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and creations!!!!

Have a great weekend :)

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

mid-week pondering

Belayed mid-week pondering: allowing alternative perspectives

Hello everyone…

It’s weekend yay 🙂

I kinda got swamped this week so I have not been able to post much this week,…But no worries, just taking life as it comes and I am grateful that I get to touch base in this wicked space where I have met so many awesome inspiring people 🙂

This week prompt over at the Circle of Art is a great quote reminding us that if we change perspective things then appear different…

When we look at things in different ways, from different angles our perception changes too and we gain precious insight:)


This is so true and can be experimented in every single moment…

For example the other morning when I was appreciating at the landscape in front of me from an  head-standing yoga perspective things appeared amazingly different…


Yesterday while I was traveling I was admiring the power of the clouds in the sky and  I met someone who was complaining about the weather… So I showed him my picture about how I was seeing the  sky, appreciating its nuances and beauty even if there was no sunshine, seeing it the sky from that perspective made him smile….


Have a wonderful weekend exploring different perspectives in every day things and have fun!!!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

mid-week pondering

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