Compassion Games 2014: Team 6Degrees of Creativity creative deeds go global

Inspired by beautiful creative vibes and energy of Gretchen Miller I joined her great initiative to take part in Compassion games 2014 with the Team 6 Degrees of Creativity 🙂

It has been an amazing 10 days adventure creating and connecting to others, oneself and the earth….It is simply beautiful how this global initiative generated awesome secrets agents of compassion to spread the message and make the world we live in  a little brighter with every contribution!!!

So it all started with our daily assignments of creative deeds to make and share:)

The creative deed #1 “Show Us Your Heart!” was the perfect start to connect to the most amazing compassion vibes that connects globally with this initiative!! Gretchen had this fab powerful idea sending in photos of our cutting of a paper heart in team members’ hands. The strong message of utter empathy was right on the starting of the Compassion Games and on the Day of Remonstrance for September 11th…



Next creative deed #2 : “Chalk It Up for Compassion!”… How great to create a piece of something outdoors with chalk so the world could stumble upon …so the message can really go a long way 🙂


Creative deed #3 “Compassion WordClouding” was real fun and an introduction into wordart design:)


Creative Deed #4 was a fab “Operation Random Acts of Creative Kindness” so operative got an opportunity to make some creative inspiring messages and spread them around….. so I though to share sockmonkey love and kindness with a take what you need flyer that could bright up the day of people encountering it…

 Creative deed #5…It was about recognizing a Compassion All Star in our life & community with a creative twist!  So that day I nominated a truly special person as Compassion All Star: my mom:)  and my artsy awards for this special nomination for her:) This process was very emotional….Thank you Gretchen!!!

CompassionAllStarLoveBoxfront (2)


Creative deed #6 “Creativity& Compassion Quote Hunt” … So by using free online programs one I created something using  a quote that deeply resonates withme…For me one can feel the endless ways of expressive arts getting to the soul!



Creative deed #7 “Compassion Cards of Awesomeness” switched on that beautiful role of  being a Secret Agent of Compassion…Special Secret Agent mission to create anonymous Compassion Cards of Awesomeness to leave randomly  in places… The theme to celebrate in the cards was BEING AWESOME  🙂

So while I was on the train I created some cards to distribute in a hospital…. I really loved to see the positive reactions of some people who discovered them…Of course as a secret agent I tried to keep distance LOL:)


To learn more about the Compassion Game’s Secret Agents of Compassion, to get inspired check out this page: or the International Kindness Team (IKT) blog where Secret Agent missions are posted daily throughout the games:


Creative deed #8  “Secret Agent of Compassion- Nature Creative Deed”

Today’s Creative Deed  was again linked to Secret Agent of Compassion mission with the goal of showing compassion to nature & the earth…The intent was “to increase your understanding of the interrelatedness in nature” and for us in particular was to document this perspective with a photo. The SAoC mission posted earlier that week that became our mission for creative deed #8:

I was inspired with by grounding and earthing acts that really reconnect us to mature and the earth. In particular recalling a beautiful event back in India with a special friend when we planted spouted fruit seeds in the ground and let the eco magic happen:) So this time I sprouted bean seeds and I planted them honoring the earth:)
Creative deed #9 “Compassion Mandala”
What a great mission to create a mandala with our fav material  expressing what compassion means to us… Well for me, given what I could find as was still travelling I managed to get some paints and lil creative bits together and improvized a painting on a wooden board….It kinds of builds up layers through material, in a way creating the fabric and nuances that are connected with compassion.
Creative Deed # 10: “Compassion Stickie Note Art”
What a great mission to use Post-It/ Stickie Notes to spread around randomly creative messages about compassion!!! So much fun and good energy coming after a nice walk accomplishing this mission in the neighborhood:)
Compassion Stickie NoteArt
And to celebrate the last  of the Compassion Games: creative deed #11: “International Day of Peace Flag”!!!
We got to create a prayer flay celebrating this special day letting this reminder spreading its message through the wind…
I love making prayer flags as there is something special about the process and the message they carry. This time I have tried to make a paper one using few things from India and Tibet…Great to celebrate peace on the World Peace Day.
Take a moment to check the awesome post :

Wrap Up: Creative Deeds in Action @ the 2014 Compassion Games over at 6 Degrees of Creativity about the all the fab creations and experiences of this adventure!!

Inspiration from the circle of art


I still need to update posts from the road…getting there in due time;)

I am  finally able to reconnect with the vibrant energy of inspiring creatives over at the circle of art….I have been travelling and following interesting projects and ideas but I have been missing touching base with amazing people over at the circle of art:)

It is quite interesting bringing that inspiration into the reality I am experiencing at the moment…..Thank you Petrea and everyone at over at the circle of Art!!!

Sending lots of love and sunshine especially to those in cold weather 😉







If you are not already a part of the Virtual Art Circle on Facebook and would like to be, just click on the link and ask to join.

A special artistic collaboration nurturing the spirit of SPIRAL CHANNELS

It was so great to connect with inspiring artist, friend and mother Abha Bhagwat .

It is so wonderful how things brought us together… From initial cyber interactions while following an on-line course on intuitive painting hosted by amazing Petrea Hansen Adamidis based in Toronto, Canada….My recent whereabouts in India finally made us meet in person, connect and create together!!!

Her work and environment is bursting with creative ideas that just keep flowing and are so contagious:) It was an honor taking part in art workshops and experience her artwork. The amazing creative boost and the wonderful artistic environment outside the box just made me want to share the experience and this great connection….

I really wanted to introduce Abha to the amazing creative network of SPIRAL CHANNELS  I am part of (an international intercultural and interdisciplinary project in constant evolution).  So here it is a collaborative artwork celebrating the process and connection of two artists coming from different worlds yet finding a familiar ground to express and explore inner worlds….

I look forward to do more artwork with Abha and to see her over at the SPIRAL CHANNELS.…a great community where creative collaborations flourish and bring together inspiring people from all over the world… A great project by artist Vlado Franjevic

Painting_AbhaLizzie_SmallAbha and Lizzie’s Painting celebrating the spirit of Spiral Channels Pune, India, Spring 2014

New Update from the road: straight form the heart of the artist journal

It has been a while I wanted to write this post but I got side tracked but some personal stuff going on ….more on that on next post:)

So during my travels and experiences in India I was lucky enough to connect, meet and spend some time with some amazing people and take part in great projects and ideas just as they unfold….With a little nostalgia I left the north of India a while ago and decided to head south in spite of the heat … On one hand it was difficult to say good-bye and hit the road again after having met some fab people who made me part of their extended family and their world… On the other hand  by making my way south I got to experience new colors, flavors, crowds, languages and traditions….

The main reason to cruise through Mumbai and head to Pune in Maraashatra was to meet and spend some quality time with a very inspiring friend, artist and parent Abha Bhagwat .… I was blown away with my experience spending time with her, her family and friends.  I was lucky to take part in Abha’s art workshops and see her artwork. It is so refreshing and beautiful to find someone who treasures children creativity and imagination, understanding how essential it is to let that flow within any aspects of children’s life.






Also having the chance to visit inspiring places fostering free play and imagination like the Balbahvan in Pune, a truly special recreational place for children created by extraordinary Shobhatai…



And then the amazing project by Arvin Gupta , at IUCCA, making learning toys from trash with the mission of  bringing education everywhere and stimulating the creative mind…Super inspiring environments where creative ideas get wings:)))










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It was so amazing to experience life these amazing places and playing freely with imagination and creativity inspired by a very open, experimental and inspiring environment promoting the creative flow on so many levels. I so enjoyed the incredible inspiring energy coming from interactions with children and making art with them. It is special to see the world through their eyes…So this is the fab context from which magic things happen.. While I have made my journal throughout my different whereabouts and improvised with art materials and communities…in Pune I was overwhelmed by the contagious artistic creative vibes all around…


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Loving-Kindness art promoting pro-social feelings


It is great to encounter Fun Monday Challenge #35 – Loving Kindness in Art even with a lil delay 🙂

Lani points to some very interesting research on the positive effects of pro-social behavior and relation to others! Lani had a fab idea for this week Challenge to create our own Loving-Kindness art to promote pro-social feelings….

AWESOME…a practice to keep doing every single day throughout any activities…

Loving-Kindness definitely raise vibrations and make positive shifts in energy and environments.


The force of Loving-kindness :

May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously….. 

“Being all there” wherever and whenever….

This was inspired by the beautiful prompt over at the circle of Art 🙂

The  Miyajima Torii is a real special place….the stunning floating gate to Itsukushima Shrine …part of the World Heritage Site on Miyajima Island.

The magic here happens following the tides cycles…when there is low tide one can get there by walking on the mud..then when high tide comes in the Miyajima Torii appears floating on the water….I feel that somehow those moments reconnects with the flow of our invisible Qi and the flow of life….


Kabir’s wisdom is so profound…It really doesn’t matter where we are at….All that matters is that any point is a starting point and we have the power to be active participants within that energy and create anything we want to ……

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

Pursuing Happiness

Something inspired by the beautiful prompt over at the circle of art:)


I hope you all had weekend filled with happy vibes:) As usual please feel free to share your thoughts, art, ideas…Anything you like:)

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

Lullaby….A Relaxation Recipe Art Piece;)


YAY, inhale, exhale, find your balance and chill:)

I love Lani’s 14 Secrets Fun Monday Challenge #33 – Create a Relaxation Recipe

How great…Creating something that brings us  into relaxation…

We are so lucky to have so many inner tools to create peace and quiet…. Imagination can take us everywhere and create anything we want….I think that finding a mindful way to get into relaxed state of mind is definitely an essential recipe for well-being and happiness:)

Following this Challenge I tried to create from that state of mind and here is one of my Relaxation Recipes…Lullaby.


As usual feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our  Flickr pool

What are you Happy about? Let’s Create some Serotonin!


I love Lani’s Fun Monday Challenge #32 – Create some Serotonin.

Boosting the level of serotonin seems to have  a positive impact on our mood, promoting good feelings and emotions…I like how brain chemistry describes our energy pathways …. As Lani explains when serotonin is balanced we experience life from a happy and healthy perspective. The positive vibes are contagious as when we share and receive appreciation, kindness and compassion there is a happy environment. Lani makes the awesome suggestion to go back to art journaling and congratulate ourselves 🙂 🙂 🙂

So let’s go ahead and review some of our life’s repertoire and enjoy the compliments….Let’s create some serotonin, enjoy the happy vibes and keep creating with anything that happen in life:)


As usual feel free to share your art or play anywhere on blogs, on Instagram  #14SecretsChallenge or by adding your photo to our  Flickr pool

mid-week pondering

Looking inward to change outward

Something inspired by the Circle of Art:)


I think it is amazing how things are connected and how we grow through conscious evolution!

If you would like to join us over at the  Virtual Art Circle you can get to  Virtual Art Circle on Facebook  follow the link and request to join! Petrea will add you:)

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